All the stuff you never knew you needed to know about life in rural France.....and all the stuff the books and magazines won't tell you.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Blogger goes bananas...

Once again...Blogger will not circulate my Costa Rica blog post...
How much has the government paid it?


  1. It's those Darn French again. I bet Sarko is behind all this! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Are you sure you're not living under a Middle Eastern dictatorship?

  3. Hello:
    Curiouser and curiouser......the plot continues!!!!

  4. Bienvenue chez French Girl in Seattle, conspiracy theory rules O.K.!

    Steve, if that's what a few hundredweight of bananas is called...yes.

    Jane and Lance Hattatt, it has to be The Neighbour...

  5. Blogger is driving me nuts. Some days I can comment and some days I can't. I'm thinking of moving but like you the thought of it terrifies me.

  6. Ayak...the very mention of Wordpress and I get depressed...

  7. It's probably just as well. Every time I read your Costa Rican blog I start looking for my rucksack!!x

  8. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!
    ps Is it me? Can't fatham the beer mobile comment re your visit to my blog!

  9. Roz, you can come over and do your bit to explain what goes on on your blog for my neighbours...

    Grumpy Old Ken, probably me reading and typing without my glasses...the guy with all the cans of beer...

  10. Hi
    No its me! I'm thinking mobile as in 'hanging over a child's cot'!! No doubt at all, I'm losing it!

  11. Grumpy Old Ken....I'm just imagining a baby's beer mobile! You should patent it quickly..

  12. Commiserations on your continuing problems with Blogger, Fly. I still can't comment on blogs using Internet Explorer, unless I don't tick the "stay logged in" box, but have no problems when using Google Chrome. It's all been rather flaky since the great spring meltdown.

  13. Perpetua, I used occasionally to have the problem...but could sort it by mumbo jumbo with bits of even that does not work.
    I'm wondering about just amalgamating it with this blog...
