All the stuff you never knew you needed to know about life in rural France.....and all the stuff the books and magazines won't tell you.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Sunshine all the way

Kaz at Get Real France has very kindly passed me the Sunshine Award - to be acknowledged and passed on while making some heart stopping revelations about oneself.

I've liked her blog since it started - based in the Perpignan area it's a mix of family life, heads up on new businesses in town, suggestions for visits and shrewd commentary on current affairs - well worthy of the award. So if you don't yet know it, do take a look, as I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I thought I'd  do the ten suggestions first to slow you down before getting to the confessional but I feel obliged to make one admission first.

My computer seems to be jumping two steps at once which is what I think happened when I was setting up the link to Kaz' blog.
Had I not thought to check the link you would, instead of arriving in Perpignan, have been contemplating the wares of Gspot Sex Toys....

Now paranoid, I have checked all the others and unless the computer jumped while I was checking I think the only thing to raise a lather is the quality of the blogs I would like to suggest to you.

Croixblanches at Nowhere on Thames with a troublesome neighbour...

Annie at Moving On who will find her ideal house in Spain one day...

Salchichas at the wonderfully titled Cojones del Dia....

Status Viatoris who has just acquired a new camera and is putting it to full use in her Ligurian village.

Mark at Views from the Bikeshed for a unique combination of philosophy and nature.

The Magistrate's Blog  for a view from the bench.

Delana's Du Jour blog for a taste of Provence from a forthright lady.

Merewoman's pot pourri at No Damn Blog for humour and for very serious purpose when it comes to animal welfare from the author of several unputdownable books.

Bloggertropolis...if you don't know it you should!

And I still think so for an essayist's take on life in Canada...and no, Canada is not boring. Not when you read this blog it isn't.

I like all these blogs...and they all have the quality required by the award, that they positively and creatively inspire others in the spades!

Now to the revelations....are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Favourite colour....don't have one.
Favourite animal...husband.
Favourite number...see colour.
Favourite drink....what are you offering?
Facebook or Twitter...can't understand how to do either of them.
Your passion....Cricket and nothing gets done in this house while Geoffrey Boycott is commentating.
Giving or getting presents....has to be giving as the getting is non existent.
Favourite day...any day that friends come over.
Favourite flowers....any that are in the ground rather than in vases.

I follow the Perpetua rules on obligation on the recipients to do anything at all, least of all make revelations....but if you take a look at these blogs you'll have plenty of sunshine in your life.


  1. Hello:
    Congratulations on your award for it is very well deserved. Adding a ray of sunshine to our lives is one of your many talents but to shine sunlight in those deepest, darkest corners of life that escape most of us is a unique skill of which you are undoubtedly mistress of the Blogosphere.

    We shall certainly check out those blogs which you mention here but have passed us by until now. With a recommendation from you, we are sure of a good read!

    1. I can only blush and far as your wonderful compliment is concerned.

      I hope you'll enjoy these blogs as much as I do.

  2. Another very well deserved award and thank you so much for the kind referral!

    1. There's no blogging without Bloggertropolis....

  3. Congratulations, Fly. It's definitely the season for awards for your marvellous blogs. :-) I've been admiring your gimlet aye and rapier wit for a good while now and still you manage to enlighten me and make me laugh in equal measure.

    Three of your recipients are old friends but I shall enjoy exploring the rest.

    1. Thank you.
      There are so many super blogs, aren't there?
      I don't go looking, but blogs crop up on other peoples' blogrolls and off we go again...!

  4. "Favourite animal...husband."--Ha ha, I loved that!

    Congrats on the award. :)

    1. Thank you.
      Well he's no vegetable and as far as minerals are concerned no rocks are animal it is!

  5. Congratulations..well deserved. And lots more lovely blogs to read..if only there were more hours in the day!

    1. Thank many do you reckon we'd need? The Russian white nights?

  6. Oh my goodness! First and foremost, Fly, well done on your award, and on delivering one of my regular doses of amusement and enlightenment. It's well deserved, as others have already said, but for me there's been the double bonus of discovering both an excellent blog and a great example of how blogging should be: something that has helped me a lot as I've taken my first rather halting steps in the blogosphere! To have a mention in despatches is a great surprise, and thank you so much! I will now confess that I have no idea what it is I could/should/might do with this, so your exhortations not to feel obliged to do anything will be followed. Not because I don't feel obliged, but because I've no idea what!

    1. I very much enjoy your blog...and not only because it deals with home made bouillabaisse and rural France, but because it has style!
      The 'instructions' are in the first if you want to pass it on to ten other blogs...feel free!
      I'd take a bet you'd have some interesting choices.

  7. Great French blog! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you.
      Those living Barbie photographs on your blog were quite uncanny...

  8. Thanks Fly! As witty as ever with your "revelations"!
    Let me know when is good for snail trail cream!!

  9. Fun, isn't it!
    I'm waiting for Maggie's dates for the snail cream.....and she's waiting for a hospital's a bit like a hole in my bucket at the moment...

  10. Congrats! Your blog is always a joy to read although I do take care when drinking coffee or tea while doing so for fear of splutters :-)!

    1. Ah, so it's my fault Costa Rican coffee exports are in decline...

  11. I loved your offering as I love all of them, even though I don't always leave comment. And thank you for the award and your kind words about my blog. I am genuinely touched.

    1. I know people can be sniffy about 'awards' but I think that if someone has had taken the time to think about one's blog..then it's a compliment and worth passing on.
      What a pity we never met in Yarmouth!

  12. Absolutely agree about Geoffrey Boycott! Should be Sir Geoff though. When I were a lad growing up in Yorkshire I had a Boycott bat, which I lovingly prepared with linseed oil; happy days. Geoff was my all-time batting hero. Not to everyone's taste but he delivered the runs.

    1. When I look at those who accuse him of selfishness and pusillanimity then pot and kettle don't come into it!
      Today's prima donnas could do with some of his determination...and his technique.

  13. Fly, so sorry I didn't see this post earlier. Been a bit slack on the reading blogs front while trying to get to grips with the mysteries of Twitter and FB which continue to confound me and take up far too much time. But it's a very pretty award, so I'll accept it gratefully. :)

  14. Fly, so sorry I didn't see this post earlier. Been a bit slack on the reading blogs front while trying to get to grips with the mysteries of Twitter and FB which continue to confound me and take up far too much time. But it's a very pretty award, so I'll accept it gratefully. :)

  15. nodamnblog, not to worry....there is such a thing as life!
